Jagodinska biblioteka na IFLI u Helsinkiju

Na 78. generalnu IFLA konferenciju iz Srbije krenula delegacija uglednih bibliotekara. Tema ovogodišnje IFLE je bila Libraries Now! – Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering, a na konferenciji prisustvovalo je oko 4.000 učesnika iz preko 100 zemalja sveta. Srpsku delegaciju je predvodio Dejan Ristić, v.d. upravnika Narodne biblioteke Srbije, a ostali članovi delegacije bili su: Tatjana Subotin-Golubović, Ivana Nikolić i Tanja Tasić iz Narodne biblioteke Srbije, zatim Jasmina Ninkov, Mirko Marković i Predrag Đukić iz Biblioteke grada Beograda, Vesna Crnković iz Narodne biblioteke “Radislav Nikčević” u Jagodini, Nebojša Vasić iz Narodne biblioteke “Stevan Sremac” u Nišu, Beba Stanković iz Narodne biblioteke “ Ilija M. Petrović” u Požarevcu i Vesna Crnogorac ispred Bibliotekarskog društva Srbije.

Međunarodna federacija bibliotečkih udruženja i institucija (IFLA) je vodeće međunarodno telo koje predstavlja interese biblioteka i informacionih servisa i njihovih korisnika. To je globalni glas bibliotečko-informacione delatnosti. Osnovana je u Edinburgu, u Škotskoj, 1927. godine. IFLA sada ima 1.600 članova u oko 150 zemalja širom sveta.

Najveći događaj u bibliotečkom svetu je, svakako generalna konferencije IFLE, koja se svake godine u avgustu mesecu održava u nekoj od zemalja članica IFLE. Ove godine 78. Generalna IFLA konferencija održana je u Helsinkiju, Finska, od 11. do 17. avgusta 2012.

Srpska delegacija je imala veoma zapažen nastup 78. IFLA konferenciji. Na poster sesiji su predstavljena tri srpska postera iz Biblioteke grada Beograda, Bibliotekarskog društva Srbije i Narodne biblioteke „Ilija M. Petrović“ iz Požarevca. Direktorka Narodne biblioteke „Radislav Nikčević“ je na dve sesije predstavila projekat o revitalizaciji seoskih biblioteka u jagodinskoj opštini koji se zove AgroLib Ja (Agricultural libraries in Jagodina).

U sesiji Novi putevi za javne biblioteke u svetu u razvoju, koju je organizovala nevladina neprofitna organizacija Beyond Access, direktorka Narodne biblioteke u Jagodini, Vesna Crnković je brojni auditorijum upoznala sa uspesima i izazovima projekata AgroLib Ja, koji ima za cilj da pomogne poljoprivrednicima da preko mreže seoskih biblioteka (poljoprivredna literatura i nove informacione tehnologije) dođu do željenih informacija o poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, ali i do informacija o konkursima i subvencijama koje nudi država. Ovaj projekat Narodna biblioteka u Jagodini realizuje u saradnji sa Skupštinom grada Jagodine i Agencijom za mala i srednja preduzeće i registrovana poljoprivredna domaćinstva iz Jagodine. Parner na AgroLib Ja projektu je bila i Mreža za ruralni razvoj Srbije, projekat Ministarsva poljoprivrede Republike Srbije, koji je pre više meseci završen.

Druga sesija na kojoj je učestvovala direktorka jagodinske Biblioteke, Vesna Crnković bila je pod nazivom „Socijalno umrežavanje za poljoprivredna istraživanja, obrazovanje i savetodavne službe: međunarodna perspektiva“, na kojoj je predstavila svoj rad „Poljoprivredne seoske biblioteke u Srbiji u eri informacionih tehnologija“.

Delegaciju Srbije je primio ambasador Republike Srbije u Republici Finskoj, Slavko Kruljević, koji se svesrdno ponudio pomoć srpskim bibliotekarima.

Ovo je prvi put da neko iz jagodinske Narodne biblioteke ode na IFLU, da prezentuje svoj rad i da govori o radu biblioteke.

O uspehu ideje AgroLib Ja projekta govori i činjenica da će se ovaj projekat nadmetati za nagradu na konferenciji koja će se održati od 1. do 3. oktobra u Vašingtonu u organizaciji neprofitne organizacije Beyond Access čiji je finansijer fondacija Bila i Melinde Gejts. Tema ove konferencije biće „Lokalna alternativa za globalni razvoj, ponovo otkrivamo biblioteke“. Trećeg dana konferencije biće prisutni finansijeri koji će proglasiti najbolji projekat.

Jagodinsku delegaciju na Beyond Access konferenciji u Vašingtonu činiće Vesna Crnković, direktorka Narodne biblioteke „Radislav Nikčević“, Jelena Rajić, bibliotekar u Interet centru sa fondom strane knjige i Miroslav Cvijetić, predstavnik jagodinske lokalne samouprave.

Iz Srbije će na ovoj konferenciji učestvovati i Biblioteka grada Beograda sa svojim projektom „Novčići“.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of libraries and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. It was established in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1927. Now, IFLA has 1,600 members in about 150 countries all around the world.

The biggest event in the library world is certainly IFLA General Conference, which is held every year in August, in one of member states of IFLA. This year’s 78th IFLA General Conference was held in Helsinki, Finland, from 11-17 August 2012.

A delegation of distinguished librarians from Serbia participated at 78th IFLA conference. This year’s IFLA theme was Libraries Now! – Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering. Some 4,000 participants from over 100 countries attended the conference. Serbian delegation was led by Dejan Ristic, acting director of the National Library of Serbia; other members of the delegation were: Tatjana Subotin-Golubovic, Ivana Nikolic and Tanja Tasic from the National Library of Serbia, Jasmina Ninkov, Mirko Markovic and Predrag Djukic from the Belgrade City Library, Vesna Crnkovic from the Public Library „Radislav Nikčević“ in Jagodina, Nebojsa Vasic from the Public Library „Stevan Sremac“ in Nis, Beba Stankovic from the Public Library „Ilija M. Petrovic “ in Pozarevac and Vesna Crnogorac from Serbian Library Association.

Serbian delegation had a very remarkable performance at 78th IFLA conference. At the poster session presented three posters from the of Belgrade City Library, Serbian Library Association and the Public Library of Serbia „Ilija M. Petrovic „from Pozarevac. Director of the Public Library „Radislav Nikčević“ presented the project about revitalization of rural libraries in the municipality of Jagodin- AgroLib Ja (Agricultural Libraries in Jagodina) at two sessions.

At the session New directions for public libraries in the developing world, organized by NGO Beyond Access,the director of the Public Library in Jagodina, Vesna Crnkovic introduce the audience with the success and challenges of the project AgroLib Ja, which aims to help farmers, through the network of rural libraries (agricultural literature and new information technologies), to obtain desired information on agricultural production and competitions and subsidies offered by the state.This project has been implemented by the Public Library in Jagodina in cooperation with the Town Assembly and the Agency for Small and Medium Enterprise and Registered Agricultural Households from Jagodina. The Agrolib Ja project partner was the Rural Development Support Network of Serbia, the project by the Ministry of Agriculture, which ended a few months ago.

The other session the director of Jagodina library, Vesna Crnkovic participated in was Social Networking for Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Service: an International Perspective and presented her paper Agricultural Rural Libraries in the Era of Information Technologies.

The Serbian delegation was received by the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in the Republic of Finland, Slavko Kruljevic, who offered wholehearted support to the Serbian librarians.

This is the first time that someone from the Public Library in Jagodina participates in IFLA and presents their work and talk about the work of the library.

One more fact in favor of the success of the project ideas AgroLib Ja is that the project will be competing for the prize at the conference which will be held from 1-3 October in Washington, organized by NGO Beyond Access, whose financier is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The theme of this conference is Local Alternatives for Global Development: Rediscovering Libraries. On the third day donors will attend the conference and announce the best project.

Jagodina delegation at the Beyond Access conference in Washington consists of Vesna Crnkovic, the director of the Public Library „Radislav Nikcevic“, Jelena Rajic, a librarian in the Internet center with Foreign Book Fund and Miroslav Cvijetic, the representative of Jagodina local government.

From Serbia, the Belgrade City Library will participate at the conference with their project Novcici.